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Road To 'Iao Valley
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Date: 2005-07-13
Lens: Canon 300mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Common Myna Acridotheres tristis


The Common Myna is a social bird that mates for life and is often found in pairs or larger flocks. A member of the starling family.


Black head and neck. Dark brown body. Thick, yellow bill. Yellow patch of bare skin around a pale eye. Large, white wing patches that are obvious in flight. White undertail and undertail coverts. Short dark tail with white tip. Yellow legs and feet. Sexes similar. 9 inches in length.


Open woodlands, cultivation, towns, and parks. Native to India. Introduced to Hawaii in 1865 to control pests; now common on all the main islands.


2-5 blue-green eggs. The eggs have a 13 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 29-35 days. Nests in tree or building cavities, or dense foliage. Mates for life.

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