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Dark Morph
Location: Ocean Beach Fishing Pier, Ocean Beach, CA
Date: 2003-11-09
Lens: Canon 400mm F5.6


Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis


With rapid wing beats followed by stiff wing gliding, the Northern Fulmar is easily distinguished from gulls during flight. They feed on fish, squid, shrimp, and whatever can be had from commercial fishing ships. Northern Fulmars are hardy birds, living up to 50 years or more!


General: There are two common color phases, light and dark. Intermediate morphs also occur. In fight, the bird appears to have no neck. 18 inches in length. Sexes similar.

Light Morph: White head and underparts. Pale gray back, wings, rump and tail. Underwings are mostly white. Short, thick, yellow bill with tube on top.

Dark Morph: Uniformly dark gray overall (head, body, wings, tail). Pale underside of flight feathers. Short, thick, yellow bill with tube on top.


Open ocean (pelagic).


1 white egg. The egg has a 50-60 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 46-51 days. The nest is a bare rock, a shallow depression, or a hollow, lined with fresh vegetation. Often nests in colonies consisting of thousands of birds. Nests on cliffs and rocky islands.

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