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Male & Females
Location: Mission Bay (Fiesta Island), San Diego, CA
Date: 2007-01-01
Lens: Canon 600mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Redhead Aythya americana


Primarily resting during the day, Redheads do most of their feeding at night. Redheads are both diving and dabbling ducks. They primarily feed on plant material.


General: 18 to 22 inches in length.

Adult Male Alternate: Brick-red head and neck. Pale blue bill with a black tip bordered with white. Yellow-orange eyes. Black breast and tail. Grayish back and flanks. Whitish belly. Alternate plumage worn from fall through early summer.

Adult Male Basic: Similar to alternate, except plumage is duller, especially around the breast and back.

Adult Female: Brown plumage. Whitish belly. Brown eyes. Dark bill with black tip.

Immature: Immature male is similar to female during autumn, and has alternate plumage during winter. Immature female is similar to adult female.


Lakes and bays. Nests in marshes.


10-16 buff eggs with a 24-28 day incubation period. Fledging occurs 56-73 days after hatching. The nest is a woven cup made from reeds and lined with down. It is attached to marsh vegetation.

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