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Location: Maui, Hawaii
Date: 2005-07-15
Lens: Canon 300mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Zebra Dove Geopelia striata


The Zebra Dove feeds on small grass and weed seeds. When you see this bird it's obvious how it got its name.


Brownish-gray upperparts. Gray underparts. Rosy belly. Black and white barred breast and sides. Long, dark brown and blackish tail with white tips. Pale blue skin around eye and bill. Pale yellowish eye. Reddish legs and feet. Sexes similar. 8 inches in length.


Residential and rural areas. Native to Asia. Introduced to Hawaii in 1922.


1-2 white eggs. The eggs have a ? day incubation period. Fledging occurs in ? days. The nest is a flimsy stick structure built in a tree, shrub or on telephone wires. During courtship the male coos while head bowing and flaring his tail.

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